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Conditional settings for a domain or set of domains.

interface PerDomainSettings {
    api?: DomainApiSettings;
    chromiumPolicies?: ChromiumPolicies;
    content?: ContentPermission;
    contentProtection?: {
        clipboard?: ClipboardPermissions;
        drag?: AllowOrBlock;
        print?: AllowOrBlock;
        screenCapture?: AllowOrBlock;
    downloadSettings?: FileDownloadSettings;


chromiumPolicies?: ChromiumPolicies

Whether DOM content can be loaded (by navigation or redirect).

If this is included in DomainSettings.default, then ContentNavigation and ContentRedirect in WindowOptions and ViewOptions will be ignored.

contentProtection?: {
    clipboard?: ClipboardPermissions;
    drag?: AllowOrBlock;
    print?: AllowOrBlock;
    screenCapture?: AllowOrBlock;

Type declaration

  • Optionalclipboard?: ClipboardPermissions
  • Optionaldrag?: AllowOrBlock
    • Controls whether HTML5 dragging for this content is allowed or blocked.
  • Optionalprint?: AllowOrBlock

    Whether the content can be printed. Defaults to 'allow'. Disables the print option in the context menu, and prevents printing via both OpenFin and browser APIs.

  • OptionalscreenCapture?: AllowOrBlock
downloadSettings?: FileDownloadSettings

Domain-conditional rules for file downloads.