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Generated when the Download Shelf 'Show All' button is clicked.

By default, OpenFin does not handle the clicking of the Show All button on the download shelf. Instead, it fires this event, which leaves rendering a download manager to the user. For a simple implementation, the chrome://downloads page can be used (see the example below):

const platform = await fin.Platform.getCurrentSync();
// Listen to the propagated event at the Platform level, so that we only need one listener for a click from any window
platform.on('window-show-all-downloads', () => {
// Render the `chrome://downloads` window when a user clicks on the download shelf `Show All` button
name: 'show-download-window',
layout: {
content: [
type: 'stack',
content: [
type: 'component',
componentName: 'view',
componentState: {
name: 'show-download-view',
url: 'chrome://downloads'
interface ShowAllDownloadsEvent {
    name: string;
    topic: "window";
    type: "show-all-downloads";
    uuid: string;



name: string
topic: "window"

The "kebab-case" classname of the emitter that raised the event.

OpenFin.Frame is represented as iframe.

type: "show-all-downloads"

The type of event that was raised. Equal to the typename of the event payload in "kebab case".

Guaranteed to be unique within each topic, but can be repeated between topics (e.g. WebContentsEvents.CrashedEvent and ApplicationEvents.CrashedEvent).

uuid: string