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Add fixed panels to Browser pages

In Here™ Core UI Components v11 or later, you can add panels to a Browser page that are displayed for all views in the page. Panels can be placed at the top, bottom, left, or right of the views. A panel can provide custom navigation for views, filtering options, or any other context that a set of views requires. Users cannot rearrange or remove fixed panels.

How it works

A new optional panels property of the Page object lets you specify an array of PanelConfig objects with the following attributes:

  • position: enum. One of PanelPosition.Left, PanelPosition.Right, PanelPosition.Bottom, PanelPosition.Top
  • height (applies only to PanelPosition.Bottom, PanelPosition.Top): string. The height of a horizontal panel, specified in the units your CSS specifies

The following attributes apply only to vertical panels:

  • width: string. The width of a vertical panel, specified in the units your CSS specifies
  • extendToBottom: boolean. If true, the panel extends to the bottom of the page, regardless of whether a bottom panel is also specified. Set to false to let a bottom panel fill the entire width of the page.
  • extendToTop: boolean. If true, the panel extends to the top of the page, regardless of whether a top panel is also specified. Set to false to let a top panel fill the entire width of the page.

You can specify only one panel for each position.

A fixed panel is programmatically a kind of View, which means that it can be configured with all the properties of a View object, except bounds and target.


Include the panels property in the Page definition of your workspacePlatform configuration. The following example omits other optional definitions; see also Define initial customizations.

import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';
import { PanelPosition } from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

const browserInitConfig: WorkspacePlatform.BrowserInitConfig = {
defaultWindowOptions: {
workspacePlatform: {
// The only required property. An array of pages to display in the Browser window.
// Here we show only one Page with a set of two panels
pages: [
pageId: 'ddfb783b-52cb-47eb-b25e-5205b28be97f',
title: 'Test Page',
layout: {
content: [
type: 'stack',
content: [
type: 'component',
componentName: 'view',
componentState: {
url: ''
panels: [
position: PanelPosition.Left,
// because height and width take a string value, can be set to whatever measurement your CSS requires
width: '120px',
// this example positions the left panel over the top panel
extendToTop: true,
url: ''
position: PanelPosition.Top,
// because height and width take a string value, can be set to whatever measurement your CSS requires
height: '10%',
url: ''

await WorkspacePlatform.init({
browser: browserInitConfig

In Here™ Core UI Components v12.6 or later, fixed panels can be included in the defaultPageOptions property of BrowserInitConfig. See Define initial customizations for context for the following snippet.

// If these properties are not defined for individual pages, these default values are used
iconUrl: '',
unsavedIconUrl: '',
closeButton: {
// these are the default values; change to hide or disable the close button on a page
// you specify other button customizations as part of PredefinedButtonConfig or CustomButtonConfig
disabled: false,
hidden: false
// as in previous example in this article
position: PanelPosition.Left,
// because height and width take a string value, can be set to whatever measurement your CSS requires
width: '120px',
// this example positions the left panel over the top panel
extendToTop: true,
url: ''
position: PanelPosition.Top,
// because height and width take a string value, can be set to whatever measurement your CSS requires
height: '10%',
url: ''

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