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Develop interactive content

You can enable your custom web app to take advantage of the unique features of Here™ browser.

  • Add Signals with context sharing: Apps can implement context sharing to provide the Signals feature. You define a handler that the browser calls when a context is shared, and you can set context to be implemented by other apps that include the same context type.

    If your app already includes an implementation of the existing OpenFin interoperability APIs or any implementation of FDC3, you do not need to add any code. In this case, the Signals feature already works.

  • Add Here™ Notifications: You can add code to your app to send notifications to users and handle user responses to notifications.

  • Add a custom search agent. Search agents enable you to search and then interact with your own content within the Here™ enterprise browser. We provides search agents for commonly used SaaS products such as MS365, Salesforce, and Servicenow. We also offer the ability for developers to add their own custom agents.