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Home overview

The Home component of Here™ Core UI Components provides a text box interface for users to enter supported commands or search for content you provide as part of your implementation.

How it works

To make content or applications available, you register a Home provider. If multiple providers are registered with Home, their entries are shown in the Home toolbar.

The HomeProvider interface extends the CLIProvider interface. In the current version of Here™ Core UI Components, these interfaces are identical, and some examples call CLIProvider, while others call HomeProvider. A best practice is to work with HomeProvider to make sure your Here™ Core UI implementation is compatible with future versions.

A HomeProvider can do the following:

  • Integrate with Home.
  • Return customizable search results to Home, which can include suggested searches and filtering options.
  • Starting in Here™ Core UI Components 8, configure search results to be returned asynchronously, to improve performance. For more information, see Provide asynchronous search results.
  • Set a logo icon to be displayed when the provider is selected.
  • Starting in Here™ Core UI Components 10, support complex search query strings programmatically with a new API. See Support complex search queries programmatically for details.

Starting in Here™ Core UI Components 9, the Home UI is hidden by default on startup. To show Home by default instead, call the method when you register your provider. See Create your provider in this article.

Get started

The basic steps:

  1. Implement the HomeProvider interface (or CLIProvider).

  2. Register your provider with the HomeApi.


Node and npm.

Install and import

  1. Install the Workspace npm package:

    npm i -E @openfin/workspace
  2. Import the Workspace package:

    import {
    } from "@openfin/workspace";

Create your provider

  1. Define and register your CLIProvider object:

    const cliProvider: CLIProvider = {
    title: "My title",
    name: "My provider name",
    icon: "url to icon",
    onUserInput: onUserInput,
    onResultDispatch: onResultDispatch,

    await Home.register(cliProvider);
    // override default, which is to hide on startup

    The onUserInput property points to a function that is called when the user enters a search term. The onResultDispatch points to a function that is called when the user selects a search result.

  2. Create the onUserInput function. This could be as simple as the following example, or it can be a query builder app, for example, that takes advantage of the new setQueryString function in Here Core UI Components v10.

    const onUserInput = async (
    request: CLISearchListenerRequest,
    response: CLISearchListenerResponse
    ): Promise<CLISearchResponse> => {
    const query = request.query.toLowerCase();
    if (query.indexOf("/") === 0) {
    return { results: [] };

    // integrators list of Apps
    const apps: App[] = await getApps();

    const results: CLISearchResult<any>[] = apps
    .map((app) => {
    return {
    key: app.appId,
    title: app.title,
    actions: [{ name: "launch-app", hotkey: "enter" }],
    data: app,
    template: "Plain",
    .filter((entry) => {
    return entry.title.includes(query);

    const result: CLISearchResponse = {

    return result;
  3. Create the onResultDispatch function:

    const onResultDispatch = async (result: CLIDispatchedSearchResult) => {
    if ( !== undefined) {
    await launchApp(;
    } else {
    console.warn("Unable to execute result without data being passed");

The full source code

Here is a complete file for creating and registering a CLI Provider. See the Workspace Starter example for the full context for this file.

import { Home, CLIProvider, CLISearchListenerRequest, CLIFilter, CLISearchResult, CLISearchListenerResponse, CLISearchResponse, CLIDispatchedSearchResult, launchApp  } from "@openfin/workspace";
import { getApps } from "./apps";

const providerName = "register-with-home-basic";

async function getResults(query?: string) : Promise<CLISearchResponse> {

let apps = await getApps();


let initialResults: CLISearchResult<any>[] = [];

for(let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) {
if(apps[i].description !== undefined) {
let entry: any = {
key: apps[i].appId,
title: apps[i].title,
actions: [{ name: "launch-app", hotkey: 'enter' }],
data: apps[i],
description: apps[i].description,
shortDescription: apps[i].description,
template: "SimpleText",
templateContent: apps[i].description,
} else {
let entry: any = {
key: apps[i].appId,
title: apps[i].title,
actions: [{ name: "launch-app", hotkey: 'enter' }],
data: apps[i],
template: "Plain"

let finalResults;

if(query === undefined || query === null || query.length === 0) {
finalResults = initialResults;
} else {
finalResults = initialResults.filter(entry => {
let targetValue = entry.title;

if(targetValue !== undefined && targetValue !== null && typeof targetValue === "string") {
return targetValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1;
return false;

let response: CLISearchResponse = {
results: finalResults

return response;
} else {
return {

export async function register(): Promise<void> {
console.log("Initialising home.");

const queryMinLength = 3;

const onUserInput = async (request: CLISearchListenerRequest, response: CLISearchListenerResponse): Promise<CLISearchResponse> => {
let query = request.query.toLowerCase();
if(query.indexOf("/") === 0) {
return {results: [] };

if(query.length < queryMinLength) {
return getResults();

return getResults(query);

const onSelection = async (result:CLIDispatchedSearchResult) => {
if ( !== undefined) {
await launchApp(;
} else {
console.warn("Unable to execute result without data being passed");

const cliProvider:CLIProvider = {
title: "Basic Here Core UI Platform",
name: providerName,
icon: "http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico",
onUserInput: onUserInput,
onResultDispatch: onSelection,

console.log("Home configured.");

return Home.register(cliProvider);

export async function deregister() {
return Home.deregister(providerName);

export async function show() {

export async function hide() {
return Home.hide();